Dec 22, 2010

Xmas Lights

Sacramento streets light up at night for the holidays

Sometimes street style is just that: the style of the street. This Curtis Park neighborhood downplays the pageantry while maintaining the holiday spirit. No overgrown Nativity tableau sets here, just simple seasonal color.   
(Photo credits: Bella Q)


Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

I just cannot get enough of Christmas lights..i hate it when they go away..and love businesses that keep white ones as part of their decor.
Thanks for sharing!!

Sarah said...

Lovely lights! We usually take a drive (or 2 or 10) to check out Christmas lights around the city and the burbs and I love to see the beautiful lights on houses. We haven't gone this year - thanks for the reminder!

Sarah at Classroom Chic

mAdi*cakes said...

I love these pictures.
When I was a little girl, looking outside my window at the dangling icecicle lights hanging from our roof was what made Christmas feel exciting and magical. They were to help santa see, in my mind.
It was all very logical. :]
I hope that you have a very merry christmas and the best one yet.
lots of love prayers and blessings your way.
may all your christmas wishes be fulfilled.

jemina said...

So beautiful.... if only i could go there... sigh... thanks sweetheart for sharing...


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